Nov 27, 2011

Inspiration: To-do list

Get cozy in your special place… 

Put your favourite “grandma-made” socks on…

Have a good bite…

 Get lost in a wonderful world of imagination…

Make magic with your hands…

 Never grow up…

Let the music take you away…

Work with pleasure… 

Never stop daydreaming…

Get inspired and remember...”Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible!”

Laugh with your friends…

Enjoy little things…

Make other ones happy… 

Embrace your love.

Believe in future.

...and Smile.


  1. To je to! Recept za sretan i ispunjen život! :)

  2. Prelepe fotografije , bas inspirativne :)

  3. Optimizam, optimizam. Večeras ću s njim da legnem u krevet :).

  4. savrsenstvo...:) Predivno!

  5. Drago mi je da vam se svidja. :)
    Ovo je za sada meni omiljen post, jer je inspirativan i pozitivan... i tako svaki dan u krug... :)

  6. Milica30.11.11

    Predivno!! Mislim da ce ovo biti super blog :)
    P.S. Da li mi mozes reci gde nalazis ove divne fotografije?

  7. Hvala, Milice! :)
    Sličice sakupljam na netu i na raznim sajtovima, nemam nijedan je dug proces :D
    svaka koja mi se svidi ide u moj "inspiration" folder, i onda se nadju u nekom postu :)


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